
Buma Award

The soundtrack for We Don't Talk won a Buma Music in Media Award for best original score in documentary. Thanks to everyone involved in making this amazing film. Wij praten niet (We don’t talk) is an intriguing documentary of in-depth conversations between therapists and youngsters who are entangled in the complex network of sexual violence and exploitation. It takes us into the inner struggle of four characters in their process to break free from this world while they are all still — to a greater or lesser extent – connected to it and can’t seem to part with. The film offers an intimate insight into the reminiscent of their experiences and process of extrication, where the distorted self-judgment of guilt and shame holds them captive. A close look at the dynamics of therapy, pointing out the importance of signalling youngsters who experience this and to start conversation in a world in which they often feel it’s not safe to talk.DIRECTOR Marjolein BusstraPRODUCER Olivia Sophie van Leeuwen EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Lotte GerdingPRODUCTION MANAGER Marieke KonijnJUNIOR PRODUCER Tess VermeerDOP Dionne CatsEDIT Saskia Kievits, NCESOUND DESIGN & MIX Lennert HunfeldCOMPOSER Jesse KoolhaasPOST PRODUCTION MANAGER Daan JanssenRESEARCH Marjolein Busstra, Tess VermeerTITLE AND POSTER DESIGN Yinchel Fyon TangPUBLICITY Ine Kim, Anouk ArendsPRODUCTION ASSISTANT KRO-NRCV Leonie van ZantenPRODUCTION MANAGER DOCUMENTARY KRO-NRCV Yolande van der BlijEDITOR IN CHIEF, DOCUMENTARY KRO-NRCV Jelle Peter de Ruiter(2023)